It’s Time to Hire an Office Cleaning Service

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Hiring an Office Cleaning Service.

At some point, the threat of the coronavirus is going to pass. But the memory of this outbreak and the reality of that infectious germs are a part of everyday life, will continue to be with us.

Unfortunately, there is the prediction corona-virus itself may stick around quite a while – where people will go back to work, life will be normal, until it isn’t. Then we may be facing some of the same hardships we are now, once again.  However, all of us together taking a proactive approach, doing what we can in our own businesses to protect the health and well being of our customers and employees might just help negate this prediction. One of these business-oriented proactive steps is hiring a professional office cleaning service.

We dislike speaking to that, as it as we are a janitorial service provider and it may seem overtly self-promotional, but then we do know and understand our industry. The fact is: if you have a business, you going to need a cleaning service in the post-outbreak world. In addition to your own proactive approach in preventing another outbreak, people are going to be very health and cleanliness conscious for a long time after this ends, and for good reasons that we can all understand.

Maybe it won’t be CK Commercial Cleaning, but it should be a reputable cleaning service who focuses on commercial buildings and the large amount of traffic these types of facilities face. Using your own employees, unless they are custodial staff, isn’t going to meet the expectations many of your customers and employees will demand in the post-COVID-19 world. We’ll give you a few reasons why:

Your employees are not cleaning experts.

If you aren’t paying your employees extra to clean, they’re probably not going to go through all the necessary cleaning procedures your business needs. Maybe they’re cleaning at the last minute before they shut the doors and go home, which means they’re rushing the cleaning and missing steps. Will you or your employees always remember to sanitize doorknobs, restroom doors and stalls and office chairs, and, well, the hundreds of other frequently touched surfaces? We’re guessing probably not; they won’t do all of that because you hired them to be experts at other things, not cleaning. This is why you should hire a commercial cleaning company to help.

Cleaning chemicals are more dangerous than you think.

If you use a commercial green cleaning service like CK Commercial Cleaning, you have nothing to worry about. But if you’re purchasing a lot of commercial cleaning products without checking to make sure there are safe for your particular facility or use together, or you’ve contracted a commercial cleaning company that does not prioritize health and well-being, you may have cause for concern.

Employees have become sick and in unfortunate cases, even died, because they mixed the wrong cleaning chemicals together and breathed it in. If you want to really combat all the germs being brought into your business, while not put your employees at risk, hiring a commercial cleaning company is your best next step.

Even if your employees use cleaning products correctly, your staff or customers may be breathing in the fumes (VOCs) hours after you’ve done your cleaning. That’s important to consider as well. For instance, if you or any of your employees get a lot of headaches, and you use harsh chemicals in your cleaning, there may be a connection.

There are a lot of germs out there – beyond the corona-virus.

The corona-virus gets all the attention in the news lately, and deservedly so, but people still get sick with the cold, flu, and hepatitis.

If you’re working with people in close quarters, it’s not surprising that if one person is sick, somebody else will likely be sick soon, too. We’re all touching the same things, from doorknobs, handrails, refrigerator handles, shaking hands, and passing phones to each other.

The problem is that germs they like to stick around people, and they will continue to do so even after it’s not hitting the news or affecting our economy. However, with the right commercial cleaning company, you can help make the infectious germs take a sick day – so your employees and our country don’t have to.